Thursday, October 15, 2009

Author Nancy Carlson MLA Session 1

At our 7 am breakfast, Author Nancy Carlson (Harriet , Louann Pig, Loudmouth George books) spoke on Where Do Ideas Come From?

Nancy was an outstanding speaker and told us that ideas come from everywhere and we just have to keep our eyes and ears open. For instance at her son's school conference she was told by the teacher that her son knew 101 ways to sit in a chair. She thought great idea for a book Sit Still. She heard around her house It's Not My Fault from her children great book idea. Another book was Harriet's Halloween Candy that talked about hoarding candy and how to share. I must confess I was a lot like her with the Halloween candy and found it hard to share. I loved it when my kids were small, my husband & I raided their Halloween candy while they slept. We only did that till the noticed some was missing.
She said that theme books were the hardest to write: Smile Alot, Think Happy, and Get Up and Go. While they are intriguing and have great illustrations not lots written content. Plot books on the other hand were easier because content was there and illustrations added later:I like Myself.
I thoroughly enjoyed her presentation. I added information about the Sharon Lerner Lecture.
Lerner Publishing in Minneapolis. Sharon was started as art director for the company and went on to be president of Carolrhoda Book Company. She had a great love for children and children's books and this is a very fitting legacy for her and the company.

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