There will be a “9-11 Service Appreciation” program, at the Rochester Veterans Memorial, Tuesday, Sept 11 from 5:00 to 8:00, followed by a candle light ceremony.
We will serve MRE’s (Meals Ready To Eat) for $15.00 to civilians. The MRE’s are what are troops eat while in the field and are great for emergencies or for camping, boating or traveling.
All Sheriff’s personnel, Police personnel, Firefighters, First Responders, and Military who have served since 9-11-01 within a fifty mile radius of Rochester will be served FREE pork sandwiches, potato salad etc. There will also be Hot Dogs for the kids, Pepsi, Water, coffee and cookies for sale.
Come down and meet the people who are on the front lines protecting us and eat what the troops are eating.
Food, music and companionship from 5:00 to 8:00.
Fox 102.5 will furnish the music and selected interviews.
This is a program to show our appreciation for everyone who has served since 9-11-01 and also a fund raiser for Veterans Hospice Care for room and board at Seasons Hospice. Room and board are not covered by VA benefits, Medicare or most insurance so this is a way of thanking our Veterans, whom we owe so much. A presentation of a $10,000.00 check for V4V will be presented by DAV representatives.
All first responders, troops, etc from a fifty mile radius of Rochester will also be eligible for attendance prizes.
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