Tuesday, August 21, 2007

National Homeless Animal Day

Animal homelessness and euthanasia are tragic problems in the United States. Year after year thousands of pets are given up because they are unwanted, inconvenient, or do not behave. Animal shelters, communities, and pets experience the terrible results, whether animals are abandoned on the street, in apartments, in the country or surrendered to a shelter. Many people adopt, but there are not enough homes for the number of animals that are born.

You can participate by helping to reduce pet homelessness and euthanasia. Prevent a litter by spaying or neutering your own pets before they have a chance to reproduce. Kittens just four months old are sexually mature and can become pregnant. Cats caring for a litter of kittens can become pregnant while they are still nursing. Educate your family and friends on the importance of spaying/neutering their pet.

In addition to spaying or neutering your pet, keep your pet for life. Learn about the types of animals and their characteristics before you bring home a pet. Take obedience training with your dog. It’s fun, and it just may save your dog’s life. If you care for a cat, obtain help for behavioral problems.

Finally, make sure your pet wears a dog license or a cat identification tag and has a microchip to ensure a one-way trip home if he gets lost.

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