Thursday, May 15, 2008

Library and Prairie Meadows Honors Armed Services Day and Memorial Day

The outreach program of the library made its bi-weekly visit to Prairie Meadows. It was decided that we would honored Armed Services Day and Memorial day with the residents. I contacted the Army recruiter in Rochester and Army Sgt. Lolley agreed to come and read two poems for our program. Pat Coy who had been assisting Library Director Bonnie Adams agreed to play some patriot songs for the residents. Jill Yamasaki (Jackie Keller's granddaughter), who is a doctoral candidate has chosen chosen Prairie Meadow seniors for her disseration, read another poem. The residents throughly enjoyed the program.

Army Sgt Lolley reads some poems.

Bonnie Adams talking about the program.

Pat Coy playing the piano.

Jill Yamasaki reads another poem.

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