Thursday, September 2, 2010

September Intergenerational Storytime-Fall Leaves

Each month the Kasson Library, as part of their outreach program, and parents with their children go to Prairie Meadows Senior living and share an intergenerational storytime. The seniors and children eagerly look forward to getting together and share stories, a craft, and yummy treats.

Fall leaves was chosen as September theme. Tara E read a story about a bear that is puzzled why all the leaves fall from the tree and where do they go? This delightful book is called Leaves by David Stein. Library Director Bonnie Adams also read books about leaves-The Leaf Man by Lois Eglert and The Little Yellow Leaf by Carin Berger. The Leaf Man is a composite of leaves that the author made into shapes of animals, trees etc. and The Little Yellow Leaf is lonely leaf hanging in a tree through the winter until he discovers a friend.

Mom Tara read a story to the group.

Seniors working on their leaf craft.

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