Friday, September 11, 2009

Make Life Luxurious–Without the Complication

It’s a common saying that integrity is doing the right thing when no one’s there to notice. In that same vein, I think that luxury might be enjoying impressive things when no one is around to notice.
Do you ever:
Save your best new shirt for an important occasion?
Pull out your stylish glassware only for company?
Wear your nice PJs for when you might be seen?
Own guest towels that are way nicer than the ones you use on a daily basis?

A Little Luxury Goes a Long Way
Consider switching your routines up and save your best luxuries for the privacy of your own home, on your own time. It doesn’t take any extra money, so no worries about blowing your disposable income for the month on a whim. And it doesn’t take any time out of your life either.

Enjoying your pre-existing treats on your own time is about the least complicated way to make your life luxurious without any complication. It’s really just a matter of chucking self-imposed limitations out the window.

The hardest part, really, is getting used to treating yourself. It feels positively sinful to “waste” those perfectly good items on just yourself, doesn’t it? (I just about broke into hives when I started using my “good” Fiestaware for everyday use. By the time I actually broke a mug, it was almost a relief to get it over with.)

Remember: It’s Just Stuff, and You’re Worth It
There’s a good chance that most of us have a few luxurious, treasured, or special items tucked away, waiting to be pulled out to impress the right person. Guess what? You are the right person!
When there’s no one around to compliment your excellent taste or burn with jealousy at your cool possessions, you can truly start enjoying things for their genuine qualities, not their perceived value. Not only are you upgrading your life a notch without any real work, you can start to let go of the need to impress others.
What’s the worst that could happen? You might actually get the full usage out of an item before it wears out? You might enjoy your favorite possessions and rituals? Hmm. Sounds like dangerous living in the best possible way…

What do you think? Does luxury have to be shared or showed to be enjoyed? If an expensive bottle of champagne is consumed in private, does it still taste as good?

On Simplicity website.

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